Doç.Dr.İlker Sarıkaya

Spina Bifida (Meningomyelocele)

The diagnosis is determined on a blood test, ultrasound and amniocentesis during pregnancy. If the alpha protein (AFP) value obtained in the triple test is higher than expected, SB is suspected.

How is Spina Bifida Diagnosed?

The diagnosis is determined on a blood test, ultrasound and amniocentesis during pregnancy. If the alpha protein (AFP) value obtained in the triple test is higher than expected, SB is suspected.

What are the Types of Spina Bifida?

Spina bifida occulta is the most common and mildest form of HSB. A small part of the bones in the spine is open and is also known as closed-hidden spina bifida. It usually does not cause any problems and does not require surgery. Meningocele is the rarest type. Spinal fluid comes out of a pouch-shaped opening in the back. However, since there are no nerves in this part, it does not cause serious problems. Some babies do not cause any problems, while others may have complaints about their bladder and intestines. Myelomeningocele is the most serious and common type. The pouch that emerges from between the bones of the spinal column, which holds part of the spinal cord and nerves, causes damage to the nerves. It can cause partial paralysis, loss of sensation in the feet and difficulty walking, hydrocephalus, urinary and fecal incontinence, advanced kidney failure and scoliosis.

How is Spina Bifida Treated?

Spina Bifida, which negatively affects the movement system and causes urinary and fecal incontinence and sexual dysfunction, is treated with the collaboration of pediatric neurosurgeon, neurologist, pediatric physiotherapist and pediatric orthopedist. If the baby has meningocele, the defect should be closed within the first 36 hours of life. If hydrocephalus develops, the neurosurgeon will perform a ‘shunt’, which drains the excess fluid into the body’s bloodstream. Today, patients with SB can be treated with this surgery, which is performed in the 26th week of pregnancy, by entering the uterus and closing the opening on the baby’s spinal cord. Spinal curvatures, joint dislocations and deformities, foot deformities are treated by a pediatric orthopedist.

For treatment


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